Perry Island Oyster Farm


On the South Bay of Perry Island, the Royal Wave Oyster Farm sells fresh oysters directly to the public in Prince William Sound.


perry island oyster farm prince william soundYou definitely need a boat to make this run. This isn’t really a dive site, although you can dive it. It is, however, a uniquely Alaskan experience to take advantage of, should you be diving in Prince William Sound.

You can charter a boat, or Dive Alaska can help make arrangements to do this dive. Plan on the same cost as any private boat charter ($300-$400 per person, or $1,200-$1,300 for a boat).

Or, make friends with people who have boats. We’ve found that works best.

The oysters are $15 p/dozen, and all you need to do is hit them up on the radio, and they’ll have them waiting for you when your boat pulls up. Bring a knife, hot sauce, and lemons with you.


If you have to ask “why” then this isn’t for you.

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